Monday, November 12, 2012

11/12/2012 Monday

 I thought I would take this time to address a situation that is becoming more and more of a problem everyday. You see, many people do not know this but... well... gosh how do I put this. ...





Just putting it out there. I know that lots of you, like myself have been ignorant to building's feelings. And I do not blame you! It was not until someone in my office got so angry they were being told what to do that they walked stomped up the stairs!

 And you know what happened next?

The stairs talked to me. 

 "Let me remind you, the stairs are not for stomping..."

It was very sad, and I have to admit it, I even saw a tear fall its short distance to the ground. So please, people of this world, be aware of the feelings of buildings we abide in. They deserve respect too.


  1. I love this one, michelle. If i didn't know any better, the stairs look awfully similar to a one "Mr. Toad."

    With Love From Oregon.
    -S. Lamm

  2. Thanks! And yes. I see it too! Frog and Toad were my favorite to read when I was smaller...and yes maybe now too. :) So maybe he just sort of stuck with me all these years.
